
The Peking University Education Review

The Peking University Education Review is a peer-reviewed journal. First released in 2003, Peking University Education Review (Quarterly) has become a national top journal in China with international reputation. It is currently included in the Chinese Social Science Citation Index (CSSCI), and listed as one of the first batch of journals funded by the National Social Sciences Fund. Guided by the principle of “Letting Hundred Flowers Bloom and Hundred Schools of Thoughts Contend”, the journal has nurtured educational research and has contributed to educational reform and development.

The Peking University Education Review adopts a three-stage review process and double blind peer review to select articles, essays, and book reviews that address significant issues in education in local, national, regional, and global contexts. Columns in the journal range from education theory, history of education, curriculum and teaching, economics and finance of education, educational administration and policy, and educational technology, basic education, higher education, reform and development in education to international and comparative education. It welcomes cross-disciplinary studies and innovative scholarship. From time to time, special issues will be published to have more extensive and thoughtful discussion on certain important theoretical or practical issues in education.

The founding editor-in-chief Peking University Education Review is Professor Wang Yongquan. The current director of the editorial board of the journal is Professor Min Weifang, Honorary Dean of Graduate School of Education, Peking University. The current editor-in-chief is Professor Chen Hongjie.
