Huang, Xiaoting
Huang, Xiaoting
Associate Professor
office:Room 513
email: xthuang@pku.edu.cn
Educational Background
2005-2010Ph.D. in Quantitative Methods and Evaluation from the Graduate School of Education, University of California, Berkeley
Work Experience
2022,01 Graduate School of Education, Peking University,associate professor
2019,01- 2021,12Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority,Director
2010,09-2018,12 China Institute for Educational Finance Research, Peking University
Research Interests
Instrument development in areas where scientific tools are scarce; investigations on test reliability and validity using quantitative methods such as item response modelling as well as qualitative methods; andaddressing policy issues using large-scale high-stakes assessment results.
English Publications(Selected)
Jin, K., Siu, W. & Huang, X. Exploring the Impact of Random Guessing in Distractor Analysis. (paper accepted for publication by Journal of Educational Measurement)
Zhao, S. &Huang, X.(2019)Automated Q-matrix identification using text classification techniques. (paper presented at 2019 International Conference on Education Technology and Computers, Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Zhao, Shuai & Huang, X. (2019) Identifying Cognitive Attributes Using Deep Learning Classification Techniques. (paper presented at the 2019 International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Education, Singapore)
Liao, X., & Huang*, X. (2018). Who is more likely to participate in private tutoring and does it work? Evidence from PISA (2015).ECNU Review of Education, 1(3), 69-95.
Chen, G., Shen, J., Barth-Cohen, L., Jiang, S., Huang, X., & Eltoukhy, M. (2017). Assessing elementary students’ computational thinking in everyday reasoning and robotics programming.Computers & Education,109, 162-175.
Huang, X; Wilson, M & Wang, L. (2016). Exploring plausible causes of differential item functioning in the PISA science assessment: language, curriculum or culture. Educational Psychology, 36(2): 387-390.
Johnston, J., Loyalka, P., Chu, J., Song, Y., Yi, H., & Huang, X. (2016). The Impact of vocational teachers on student learning in developing countries: Does enterprise experience matter? Comparative Education Review, 60(1): 131-150.
Loyalka, P., Huang, X., et al. (2015). The impact of vocational schooling on human capital development in developing countries: evidence from China. The World Bank Economic Review, 30(1): 143-170.
Wang, L., Huang, X., & Schnell, J. (2013). Using Burke's Dramatistic Pentad to Interpret Chinese" Gao-Kao" High Stakes Testing and Stressing-Paralleled Testing in the US as Cross-Cultural Context.Kome, 1(2), 55-63.
Loyalka, P; Liu, CF; Song, YQ; Yi, HM; Huang, X, et al. (2013) Can information and counseling help students from poor rural areas go to high school? Evidence from China.Journal of Comparative Economics, 41 (4): 1012-1025.
Chinese Publications(Selected)
韩家勋,肖立宏,黄晓婷. 论新高考改革中学业水平选择性考试的设计转向[J].中国教育学刊,2020(8): 63-41.
黄晓婷,韩家勋. 浅谈标准参照与常模参照相结合的高中学业水平考试设计方法[J].中国考试,2019(7): 44-50.
王秀青, 黄晓婷, 韩家勋,等. 高中学业水平考试与课程标准一致性分析——以历史学科等级考为例[J]. 中国考试, 2019(7):51-56,71.
刘舒畅,黄晓婷. PISA2015合作问题解决能力测试的跨语言公平性分析[J].中国考试,2019(2): 41-47.赵帅,黄晓婷,卢晓东.情感指数对MOOC 学生成绩的预测研究[J].中国大学教学,2019(5): 66-71.
黄晓婷, 韩玉婷, 吴方文. 高考语文作文试题的城乡公平分析[J]. 中国考试, 2018(2):1-5.
黄晓婷, 吴方文, 宋映泉. 农村寄宿制学校同伴侵害对内化行为的影响:一个有调节的中介模型[J]. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版), 2017, 35(1): 93-101.
黄晓婷, 关可心, 熊光辉,等. “超级中学”公平与效率的实证研究——以K大学学生学业表现为例[J]. 教育学术月刊, 2016(5) :32-37.
吴方文, 宋映泉, 黄晓婷*. 校园欺凌:让农村寄宿生更“受伤”——基于17841名农村寄宿制学校学生的实证研究[J]. 中小学管理, 2016(8):8-11.
黄晓婷, 关可心, 陈虎,等. 自主招生价值何在?——高校自主招生公平与效率的实证研究[J]. 教育学术月刊, 2015(6):28-33.
黄晓婷, 宋映泉. 学前教育的质量与表现性评价——以幼儿园过程性质量评价为例 [J]. 北京大学教育评论, 2013,11(1):2-10.
王蕾, 黄晓婷.高中英语学习策略量表编制与Rasch多维度分析[J].心理学探新, 2012,32(1):72-76.
谈松华, 黄晓婷.我国教育评价现状与改进建议[J]. 中国教育学刊, 2012,(1): 8-11.
Books and Chapters(Selected)
黄晓婷(编译). 基于建构理论的量表设计(Wilson著). 湖南教育出版社,长沙.2020.
Huang, X.The changing measurement paradigms for the changing education in China. Routledge International Handbook of Schools and Schooling in Asia. Routledge, Hong Kong, 2018: 213-219.
黄晓婷.魏易.校外培训行业发展现状[M],《中国教育新业态发展报告(2017)》.社会科学文献出版社,北京.2018: 98-114.