
Jiang Kai

JIANG Kai is a full professor at Graduate School of Education, Peking University. He got his Ph.D. degree of higher education at Peking University in June 2004. Jiang Kai once was a post-doctoral fellow at The University of Hong Kong (Aug 2004-Aug 2006). As a Fulbright scholar, he spent whole his visiting research year of 2015 at Harvard University, as well as co-host university Boston College. Jiang Kai has superevised more than twenty doctoral and master students. He has written extensively on aspects of higher education theory, comparative higher education, and educational theory. Jiang Kai published his monograph 'Higher Education in an Era of Globalization: Challenges from the Market', which will has an English version. He has also published more than sixty journal articles in China and abroad. Jiang Kai has been awarded several national and international key honors, including three national outstanding achievement awards by China Ministry of Education (MOE), New Century Excellent Talent in University supported by MOE, and Fulbright Research Scholar etc.

E-mail: kjiang@pku.edu.cn
